

Complete Family (14 Fonts)

Brokman is a contemporary sans serif designed to bring clarity and originality to brand-related projects. The open apertures and large x-height help provide a fresh aesthetic with an easy, fluid texture across design layouts. While its squarish proportions are balanced with subtle rounding achieving a carefully modulated and textured feel in longer text scenarios. Its weight range allows great flexibility, making the typefaces suitable for a variety of media applications, including apps, brand identities, broadcast, gaming and the web. Details include 430 characters, seven weights with true italics, manually edited kerning and OpenType features.

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Buy Family

Complete Family (14 Fonts)

Brokman is a contemporary sans serif designed to bring clarity and originality to brand-related projects. The open apertures and large x-height help provide a fresh aesthetic with an easy, fluid texture across design layouts. While its squarish proportions are balanced with subtle rounding achieving a carefully modulated and textured feel in longer text scenarios. Its weight range allows great flexibility, making the typefaces suitable for a variety of media applications, including apps, brand identities, broadcast, gaming and the web. Details include 430 characters, seven weights with true italics, manually edited kerning and OpenType features.

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Complete Family (14 Fonts)

Brokman is a contemporary sans serif designed to bring clarity and originality to brand-related projects. The open apertures and large x-height help provide a fresh aesthetic with an easy, fluid texture across design layouts. While its squarish proportions are balanced with subtle rounding achieving a carefully modulated and textured feel in longer text scenarios. Its weight range allows great flexibility, making the typefaces suitable for a variety of media applications, including apps, brand identities, broadcast, gaming and the web. Details include 430 characters, seven weights with true italics, manually edited kerning and OpenType features.

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Fonts In Use - Triumph Motorbikes (Corporate Brand).

Fonts in use: Triumph Motorcycles

Hoxton North
Syke Mono