

Complete Family (18 Fonts)

Ovink is a rounded sans serif type family designed for great distance legibility. Named after the legibility researcher Gerrit Willem Ovink, in its early stages was subjected to experimental legibility investigations of distance and time threshold methods. The results of this heavily influence the design. The high regularity of the letters also makes the typeface suitable for running text, and the wide span of weights motivates a broad usage for the setting of both display and text.

Details include nine weights with matching italics and over 440 characters per style. OpenType features consist of lining and oldstyle figures, fractions, standard ligatures, stylistic alternates, small capitals, and an extended Latin character set.

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Complete Family (18 Fonts)

Ovink is a rounded sans serif type family designed for great distance legibility. Named after the legibility researcher Gerrit Willem Ovink, in its early stages was subjected to experimental legibility investigations of distance and time threshold methods. The results of this heavily influence the design. The high regularity of the letters also makes the typeface suitable for running text, and the wide span of weights motivates a broad usage for the setting of both display and text.

Details include nine weights with matching italics and over 440 characters per style. OpenType features consist of lining and oldstyle figures, fractions, standard ligatures, stylistic alternates, small capitals, and an extended Latin character set.

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Complete Family (18 Fonts)

Ovink is a rounded sans serif type family designed for great distance legibility. Named after the legibility researcher Gerrit Willem Ovink, in its early stages was subjected to experimental legibility investigations of distance and time threshold methods. The results of this heavily influence the design. The high regularity of the letters also makes the typeface suitable for running text, and the wide span of weights motivates a broad usage for the setting of both display and text.

Details include nine weights with matching italics and over 440 characters per style. OpenType features consist of lining and oldstyle figures, fractions, standard ligatures, stylistic alternates, small capitals, and an extended Latin character set.

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